The Department of Water, under the leadership of Chief Officer Eng. Hezekiah Mwaruwa and Water and Sanitation Deputy Director Eng. Maxwell Kingi Kazungu, alongside Bamba Ward MCA Hon. Said Mohamed, conducted a tour of several water projects in Bamba ward to improve the continuous flow of water in our county.
During the visit, they officially handed over a site for the construction of a 1.8-kilometre water pipeline to connect the Maryango trading centre. Additionally, they inspected the progress of a water pan construction in Goshi village on the outskirts of Bamba town.
The waterpan, with a capacity of 55 million litres, will include a water treatment plant, comprehensive piping, and solar fittings, all of which are being installed by our partners, Kitanda, a non-governmental organisation based in Belgium.
Upon completion, these water projects will significantly increase water availability in the region and alleviate the hardship faced by residents who previously had to travel long distances in search of this essential resource.