This week, in Kilifi County
, we engaged in a fruitful Co-Creation Workshop with farmers, local and national government officials, civil society organizations, Community-Based Organizations, and partners under t
he Global EverGreening Alliance
’s #RestoreAfrica Program.
The aim of the workshop was to enhance our outreach & impact through innovative approaches in rural communities.
World Vision Kenya is leading a consortium of partners and stakeholders to implement the #RestoreAfricaProgram, which aims to restore over 250,000 hectares and support 250,000 households in Kenya.
In Kilifi County, #RestoreAfrica aims to:
Restore over 63,133 hectares of land
Support over 57,841 smallholder farmers to grow and maintain 3,036,672 million trees
Sequester 2.05 tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (tC02e)