IUCN Kenya and Mission inclusion #ReSea Project team led by IUCN Kenya Country Coastal and Ocean Resilience Programme Manager Francis Okalo and Nature Based Solutions Officer Bonface Busolo, with Nathan Majwa, Timothy Kakai and Benjamin Agong under the leadership of the Kilifi County Government recently convened a community-led action workshop in Malindi, Kenya.
The workshop brought together Ward Climate Change Planning Committees and community representatives from Matsangoni, Dabaso, Sabaki, Magaraini and Gongoni to support the County government in conducting a gender-responsive review of the Participatory Climate Risk Assessment (PCRA) report and identifying high-priority interventions for additional support.
Coastal and marine ecosystems play a significant role in ensuring food security and livelihoods of the local community within the Kilifi seascape. However, these ecosystems are facing increasing threats, exacerbated by climate change, with women and youth being particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.
With support from Canada’s International Development – Global Affairs Canada, the #ReSea Project seeks to address the differentiated impacts of climate change through executing effective gender inclusive interventions that address the specific climate change needs and priorities of the community.