Team Magarini, led by the Chief Officer for Roads, Transport, and Public Works, Mr. Philip Charo, and the Chief Officer for Environment, Madam Zamzam Ali, in the company of the Acting Sub-County Administrator, Magarini Madam Matilda Baya, the MCA for Garashi Ward, Hon.Theophilus Fondo, and ward administrator, Mr. Francis Kalu, visited Kibaoni-Garashi Road and assessed its impassable nature due to water overflow as a result of the ongoing rains.
The team then inspected the Bore Singwaya Dispensary and recorded the challenges facing the facility.Afterwards, they proceeded to Adu Ward and were joined by the Adu Ward administrator, Mr. Katore, and the manager from the MCA’s office, Henry Randu. The team then visited Bandacho Primary School, Marereni Dispensary, and Mtoroni Dispensary inspecting while writing a report that will be used to enhance service delivery.