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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi

Kilifi Lands Department > Day3 Climate change Training

Day3 Climate change Training

Today marked the final day of a three-day climate change sensitization training presided over by the Director for Climate Change, Mr. Kanundu Ngumbao in Kauma Subcounty.The training involved all the jaribuni ward climate change committee members, local administrators, and conservationists within the ward.
The objective of the training for the ward committee is to review the Participatory Climate Risk Assessment Report (PCRA), prioritise climate change project interventions, and sensitise the existing legal frameworks for climate change in the county.
The programme was also facilitated by Mr. Lenox M. Mwangolo,environmental officer Malindi subcounty and Madam Neema Mwango, the environment officer for Kauma sub-county.
Climate change action within Kilifi County is devolved to the lowest unit of administration, just like the county Mashinani agenda led by H.E. Governor Gideon Maitha Mungaro.

November 23, 2023

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