Governors Commitment and Plan
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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi

Kilifi Lands Department > Maji kwa Wote Plan

Maji kwa Wote Plan

“The Mung’aro wa Kilifi ‘Maji kwa Wote’ Plan,” where HE Governor Gedion Mung’aro promised the people of Kilifi that he will enhance access to safe, accessible, and affordable water for human use to Kilifi residents by reducing the average distance to a watering point to less than 2 kilometres per household, the Chief Officer for Water Services & Natural Resources Mgt, Mr. Hezekiah Mwarua, in the company of subcounty water officers, and on behalf of the CEC Water and Environment Hon Omar Said, handed over various water projects to contractors for implementation in Matsangoni and Mwarakaya Wards of Kilifi North and Kilifi South Constituencies, respectively.
In Matsangoni Ward, Eng Mwarua handed over the Madenge to Kalango water project, a last-mile pipeline network that will connect various households in the Roka area of Matsangoni Ward. He also inspected ongoing similar last-mile pipeline projects in the rocky areas of Ushuru, Timboni Kwa Dicky, and Pastor Mwarome in Matsangoni Ward to ensure good workmanship in these projects that are being implemented.
Later in the afternoon, Eng. Mwarua and the Kilifi South Subcounty water team handed over four water projects to contractors in various parts of Mwarakaya Ward (Chonyi)-Kilifi South Constituency.
The four projects include:
1. Ng’ombeni to Kazurini Village and towards Kwa Be-Bugu; never had piped water since independence
2. Kadogoli (M’buyuni) to Be-Mwayaa (Mwarakaya) water pipeline
3. Kwa Jaa to Maguniani water pipeline project in Kizingo
4. A 50,000-litre water tank at Kwa Jaa in the Kizingo area.
The department has formed and incorporated members of the communities where these projects are being undertaken into project implementation committees that will work with the contractors for seamless implementation of these water projects, which will ultimately ensure sustainable operation of these projects upon their completion.
The Governor is keen on ensuring the attainment of the Mung’aro wa Kilifi Maji kwa Wote Plan by adopting a participatory approach to project handling, from their identification to implementation and operation/management thereafter. Indeed, Kilifi is in safe hands under HE Gedion Mung’aro on matters of water.

March 7, 2024

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