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Kilifi County Government
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Kilifi Lands Department > Water Fund Partnership

Water Fund Partnership

The Kilifi Department of Water represented by the CECM Hon. Omar Said, MD Kimawasco Eng Pascal Jira, MD. Mawasco Felix Wanje and the chairperson, Kimawasco Ustadh Rashid, signed a collaboration framework between Kilifi County and the Water Sector Trust Fund. The collaboration framework will ensure the improvement of the commercial viability of GE water companies in Kilifi (Kimawasco and Mawasco).
The Water Sector Trust Fund (Water Fund), in collaboration with Gatsby Africa (GA), is implementing a “strengthening commercial viability and financial flows (CVF) programme from January 2024-Dec2025.The programme aims to enhance the commercial viability of water service providers (WSps)” through strengthening the management and financial governance of selected regulated water utilities and improving their creditworthiness, enabling them to access commercial financing for infrastructure improvement from commercial banks.
The programme targets 17 WSPs across Kenya with a credit worthiness of BB-BBB and operational and maintenance cost coverage above 90% as per WASREB rating impacts. 14 and 15. Following the WSPs assessment, Kilifi Mariakani Water Services Company was selected to be among the beneficiaries of the CVF programme.
Present for the signing were manager of resource mobilisation, Madam Ruth Nganga, representative of the CEO Water Trust Fund (Water Fund).

July 18, 2024

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