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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi

Kilifi Lands Department > Water Pipeline Inspection

Water Pipeline Inspection

Our departmental CECM, Hon.Omar Said, accompanied by the Ruruma ward MCA, Hon.Naftali, the KIMAWASCO managing director,Eng. Pascal Jira, Kaloleni area water manager Mr. Leonard Kingi, the KIMAWASCO board chair, Ustadh Rashid, and other technical staff, traversed Kaloleni subcounty, inspecting water pipelines as a follow-up to a similar exercise that took place sometime last year.
The team noted with concern that the rampant illegal connections and vandalism of water facilities are still prevalent in Kaloleni subcounty, despite a stern warning and action that has been taken to end it.
The CECM issued a further directive for more stringent measures to be applied to rogue county officers in the department of water and plumbers who collaborate with mischievous customers to make such shoddy connections that deny the public access to a clean, safe, and adequate water supply.
H.E. Governor Gideon Mung’aro’s main agenda is to provide clean, safe, and adequate water to the people of Kilifi County, and as a department, we won’t relent in achieving this. We therefore urge the public to be vigilant and jealously guard water facilities as they would guard life, because water is in itself life.

March 12, 2024

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